Tuesday, March 23, 2021

My Trance

Participation in overnight event??? For me?? Not my cup of tea. 😰 (How I burnt the midnight oil during the last phase of PhD (never-ending data analysis and report-writing) is a matter of miracle for me till date. 😤)

But when a dear friend, Shilpa (Sangeeta Sane), recommended that I should participate in this overnight event, the opportunity was grabbed immediately. The reasons were obvious … it was a rare opportunity of face-to-face workshop titled #Trance.Form by our dear school buddy, an awardee for almost four dozen international awards in architecture, and a God-gifted artist painting blind-fold (and using this blessing only for some cause), Ar Ketan Jawdekar. Was sure about the wonderful n blissful journey with Ketan and many more like me. Team #Trance.Form had chosen the blissful night of Mahashivaratree for this and the venue like Yeur Hills (Thane) was a cherry on the top.

And true to the image and reputation that Ketan has #Trance.Form was an amazing experience and a journey for me … a journey towards my inner self … a journey towards something intangible … it is difficult to pen down the internal process that I went through, but let me give it a try …

Trying one’s hands at something new is always a challenge. #Trance.Form gave me that opportunity … there was no hesitation to cross my boundaries. I did things first time in my life … the best part was being non-judgmental about it. To give an example, since past few years there was an urge developed that even though I cannot paint, marble painting is something that I can do where my painting skills per se will not come into picture. On occasion of #Trance.Form I dared to experiment that.

It was a mixture of self-reflections, self-dialogues, introspections, expressions. Helped in finding answers to some questions which were chasing since some time.

For me the word 'form' may have two indications - i. A state ii. Formation (of something). While speaking of the experience of #Trance.Form I would like to go with the meaning as 'a state’. #Trance.Form was for say six hours, but it had a much-prolonged effect on me! It was being talked about even after days. And I am sure that this state will get continued even later.

Deliberations at #Trance.Form were within a domain. But all of that could be fetched in my domain of playing with scrap fabrics. I feel enriched from that perspective too.

(This has to come from my domain of work as an educational technologist or an instructional designer. Cannot help it.) Loved the way the entire sequence was conceptualized and executed marching towards the climax … bringing closer n closer to the blissfulness in the graded manner!  

Loved the surprises that were the part of the event ... the rare moments to be treasured for life. It was a treat to be able to even witness those. Even at the school it used to be an awe moment to see Ketan in action … may it be rangoli or any other art form. After almost 35 years was blessed to get to see Ketan in his 'Trance-Form'ed stage!

The entire experience was not limited to अनुभव, but was an अनुभुती for me. A satsang ... a spiritual journey ... a celebration of a journey 

Implementing such an event is not a joke ... it is जगन्नाथाचा रथ. N applaud to the “Team #Trance.Form” ... Shilpa, Pranita, Trupti, everyone, who made it so comfy for us. Without having all the logistics in place to the 100th point, it would not been possible for us to be in our 'Trance'.

Ketan, you have no idea what (psychological, attitudinal, spiritual) path u have underlined or the dimensions u have added for us. I do look forward seeing the concept of ‘Trance-Form’ getting expanded in many other domains too in the times to come with many more dimensions getting added to the event that is your brain-child (Or should I call it as your “soul-child”?)

Best wishes to Ketan n the team #Trance.Form. Do look forward to the stage when it will become a world-over event in your name Ketan!

And I would definitely recommend #Trance.Form to all others to experience that blissful journey. #Trance.Form is organized both in online as well as offline mode. Do not miss the opportunity. 


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Baby step into India International Quilt Festival (#IIQF)

 After having some experience of presenting papers, chairing sessions in conferences, conducting sessions in workshops, it was time to send entry of a quilt in #IIQF (India International Quilt Festival). This is my baby step in the form of a baby quilt ... entirely prepared out of fabric scrap thrown away by local tailor except batting which is of bought flannel.


It is a must visit https://www.indiaquiltfestival.com/ to see and experience some of the master-pieces of quilts.

Next year am aspiring to enter a more mature work in the quilt festival.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Entry into the world of Quilts

Am extremely happy to share the firstever completed attempt with the quilt! 💓 This is of queen-size comforter. So happy to make this for a very senior colleague, who completed his Sahatra-chandradarshan (= He saw 1000 full moons in his life = 81 years old). He was so happy to see that on video call! It has been now sent to him. 

The designing, cutting, piecing, basting was done by me. Would have loved to hand-quilt it myself, but for the want of time, it was outsourced. And I must say that the lady has done a fabulous job. I enjoyed very bit of it. Thanks to all the loving ladies of Mumbai Chapter of Desi Quilters. You all have boosted my morale so much! 

Working with fabric, sewing, quilting is so therapeutic for me! I am looking forward to taking this romance with quilting to a higher level in the time to come.