Friday, January 21, 2022

The First Pieced (self-) Hand-quilted quilt











This is a delayed sharing. 

I have been learning a lot from the most amazing quilters with whom I keep interacting through social media. I have been taking my baby-steps gathering inspiration from them. As a part of this journey this quilt was made that had many firsts:


1.   First technically pieced quilt. The technical name of this design is ‘Rail Fence’ (Learnt this name after completing the quilt.)

2.    First both-sided quilt

3.    First all hand-quilting by me for a huge one

4.    First 100% self-made by me (Till then I had been outsourcing the hand-quilting)

5.    First quilt made using non-white threads for hand-quilting

Since there were many firsts, there was super-excitation and also lots of techniques and lessons learnt. There were many mistakes as well. The biggest mistake was about the lighting during taking pics of the quilt. Due to taking pics in the area shat was covered by a huge shade, the beautiful yellow colour looks like dull and peach. The original yellow colour could be seen only in the pic showing label. I love the concept of putting label to self-made quilts. Quilters are bad in documentation. Label to a quilt is one way of at least some documentation.


The quilt was made for someone to whom I sent my wishes and hugs through this quilt.


I have a lot to learn in quilting.

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