Thursday, September 5, 2024

Letter-writing with students

Conducting activities with students is as much fun as a teacher as it is for the students. And when you conceptualize an activity that is in the domain close to your soul, the excitation is at another level. Recently had such an experience.


Those, who know me from childhood or even from college days, would identify me with very long personal letter-writing … on an average 6-8 pages long with the longest being of 27 pages (Soon after I getting introduced to this practice of writing letters post-card and inland letters were never sufficient for me). Sharing n expression through such hand-written personal letters was an integral part of my personality and practice till my mom was there. (After that life happened to me and thereafter there had been never the time n peace to spare for this luxury.) Writing letters to my near and dear ones … grand-parents, brother, cousins, uncles-aunts, friends, friends’ parents, at times teachers and students … was a comforting, meditative, reflective process for me … absolutely therapeutical. Quite often it used to be like writing a diary. The treasure of all those old letters with me even today is priceless. My friends used to tease me that the postman was my boy-friend. (like this there were many anecdotes and jokes about me and my letter-writing, but shall talk about that on some other day). 

In the era of mobile there is overall loss of getting connected with near n dear ones through writing letters … more so handwritten letters. The students at hostel as it is find it little stressful to be away from parents, home. While hostelites on Juhu hostel of SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai do use mobile and video calls to remain connected with people back home, noone uses the option of ‘writing letters’ to remain connected with the parents and near and dear ones. When checked it was noted that almost 60% of the hostelites had never written a letter to anyone in their life. Amongst those, who had ever written a letter, 50% of hostelites had never used Indian post office stationery for writing letters. The situation with students of Dept of Educational Technology was no way different. Especially with my love for writing letters it was thought that how wonderful it would be if the students could be given an experience to get connected with their near and dear ones through letter-writing and that too using Indian post -office stationery like inland letters. Sept 1st is celebrated as the "World Letter-writing Day". Hence the week prior to that (the last week of August) was dedicated for this activity. All the hostelites as well as students and staff of Dept of Educational Technology were given one inland letter each. (The challenge experienced in procuring so many inland letters is worth listening to … We needed roughly 200 inland letters. When a staff member was sent to nearby post-office, they had hardly 20. It just shows how rare this practice has become. So the person went to a bigger post office and got the required quantity.) 

Since many did not use inland letter ever, the orientation was also needed for this. An orientation was given on how to fold the inland letter, what care to be taken while folding, where to put the sender’s and receiver’s addresses, not to insert, stick or print anything on the inland letter, etc. Students had questions like what to write, how to procure the address of the receiver (in digital era, when they are used to email addresses, it was not surprising not to have postal address). So it was brainstormed what all could be written …. Sharing their hearts out … happiness, excitement of new city and new friends, anxieties, worries, life at hostel or in new dept or in Mumbai overall, memories with that person, their dreams, some reflections of some experiences, perceptions, wishes for the person, occasional philosophical thoughts, some concerns/ hopes about that person, about their latest creative processes in their hobbies / social initiatives …. This of course not being an end of the list. It is all about merely getting connected and expressing oneself in the secluded zone of oneself, that person/s and one’s emotions and thoughts. This was an unexpected activity for the students. They looked curious and enthusiastic. As a hostel-in-charge and as a teacher I was super-excited about it.  

Roughly 114 students from Juhu hostel wrote 135 letters to their near and dear ones (This indicates that some students wrote more than one letters). All the students and staff members of Dept of Educational Technology also wrote letters to their near and dear ones (Thanks to the HOD, Prof (Dr) Jayashree Shinde, for the permission to conduct this activity in the department). It was so satisfying to see that entire collection of so many inland letters! All the letters were posted collectively in the post office. When asked later the students told that they wrote mainly to parents, grand-parents and siblings. A few had written to their friends and teachers. The feedback the students have given on how the experience was is so precious! Many found initially a block what to write and how to express, but when they got into writing, the flow was set. The experience was emotional for some. But overall, they were happy about it. A couple of students from hostel did not participate. When about the reasons they said that they found it awkward to express themselves through writing. While is completely understandable, I need to have personal dialogues with such students.


Was very happy that the gen-zees could go into that peaceful, soothing and comforting, zen-zone due to this letter-writing. The students got an experience of the yester-year mode of communication. This was a mentally relaxing activity for them … a step towards their mental health. A (hidden) message was also that financially it does not dig hole in one’s pocket to get connected with people close to you through letters. It just needs that urge to take out time.  


I indeed hope that they continue with this practice of letter-writing, though occasionally, even in future.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

10K Destroyer Run in INDIAN OIL WNC Navy Half Marathon (Nov 19, 2023)



Isn’t at times one progressing backward exciting?  

Experienced such an excitation through participation in 10K Destroyer Run in the “Indian Oil WNC Navy Half Marathon” ( that was scheduled on Nov 19, 2023. Could finish 10K run (= walk for me) within 1:42:09 hours, which means 10:12 mins per km ( This was the least time taken per km in past three years! It was a moment of contentment especially as this pace was achieved inspite of the feet being not quite fit. Without any doubt thanks to Stutii of Conquer My Own Everest ( and Saurabh Bothra of Habuild ( to develop that stamina and mental energy to sustain. My gratitude is also towards the minithons organized by DSW of SNDTWU from time to time. Participation in those keeps giving me reality checks to my health status.

In past four years this was my overall fourth, second community and the first solo-participation (= no-one along with me) 10K run. Being alone this time had brought quite some anxiety in me that I eventually learnt to overcome.

The event was conducted by the Western Naval Command of the Indian Navy. It was the its sixth edition and had a message "Clean coasts and clean seas make healthy lives." Amazingly well-organised event right from the bib n kit collection. It was not merely kit-distributions, but was an event in itself. It was for the first time I had been to collect a kit personally. Hence it was all the more exciting for me to experience that. There were sessions organized on health-related topics for the runners, but unfortunately, I could not take advantage of the same. The kit did not have only the bib n the t-shirt, but so many health-related and useful goodies. The thoughtfulness to have superior quality bib with not only holes in the four corners, but also with the four safety pins included was an example of the level of the details that they worked at. Even the bag itself was of good quality jute. And that should not be a wonder as none other than our own Indian Navy was the organizer. (just to share an example - the portable washrooms had cleanliness and the luxury of having toilet tissue rolls!). The booklet, the short video that was created for sharing the route (, the series of emails related to preparation for the run were just a few amongst many aspects that were taken care of at the level of nothing below perfection.

There were special trains arranged so that people could reach at wee hours for the event through both the central n western lines. The volunteers were right outside the railway station and also throughout the route till Azad maidan (the starting n ending point of the run) to guide people. The entire Azad maidan was used for various activities and detailed map of the same was a part of the booklet that reached prior to the event. There were guidelines about do’s n don’ts of eating n exercising before n after event in the booklet. The venue had a facility of keeping the bags so that the runners cud run without carrying anything. Zumba session was organized for the runners to warm up.

It was so much exciting to be a part of this run, where the entire route was prohibited for the vehicles, the navy officers, Mumbai and Navy police, general public were cheering up, clapping, taking photographs. There were huge kinda banners-cum-installations to denote the completion of every km. There were three runs – half marathon, 10K and 5K and these km-completion installations were colour-coded for each of this run. There were water and enerzal arrangement at multiple points during this entire run. There were also medical facility counters at multiple points on the route. Some of these features r otherwise also experienced for any such events, but the point of excitation was seeing the helicopter taking rounds up above throughout the run! It felt so special! The fun, energy and enthusiasm with so many participants running along with u was at another level! Passing in front of many points including the NCPA would naturally bring a smile on the face. There were bikers and ambulance also taking rounds to check if anyone needed help.

This was my third event of being active on South Mumbai roads. The earlier two were: 1. Night cycling from Asiatic library to Sea Link and Back with; 2. Women’s bike rally on Maharashtra Day ( The roads that are full of traffic otherwise … when u experience that the entire traffic has been stopped so that you are able to cycle/ ride/ run, one feels pampered.

After we were back from the run, the medals were presented to the runners at the hands of Indian Navy officers. That was another point to feel so much proud of these men in spotless white, who guard our huge coastal regions! To receive the medal at their hands was a blessed feeling. The medals were designed so beautifully! Also it is sturdy. Four days r over till date, but I still cannot have enough of the medal! I keep touching it, keep seeing it. It is my second real medal, but this is special and precious for me. I am really going to treasure it.

All runs do provide eatables to the participants at the end. But this event was par excellence even on this front. The quality of packing, the quantity of items … there was nothing to complain about. The quantity was so much that one would not be required to feel hungry for next 4-5 hrs at least. After a tiring run people were peacefully sitting on the ground, relaxing, doing after-run stretches, having food.

Organisers had made every effort to create the best of the best experiences for the participants at the venue:

·        The prize-holders were given the miniatures of the Navy ships alongwith the prize money and other items.

·        The Run events do have one photo-booth. But here there were two sets of three independent photo-booths for the three types of runs. And as you may see in the pic, the photo-booth had a huge version of the actual medal to take the photo with. Runners were already aware of these photo-booths as those were already there during the bib-n-kit collection time and point.  

·        This one was a total surprise and I was just amazed with the thoughtfulness of the organisers. There was a huge banner created saying “RUN WITH THE NAVY”. Nothing great in that. Right? The uniqueness was the entire background for the banner was created using the names of all the participants put alphabetically! This was just beyond my imagination! Cannot tell how super-excited I was to see it! Actually my feel were extremely tired by the time the run was over (though it was 10K run, I experienced that one actually lands up walking almost 14 km on that day with the additional walk from home to railway station and Churchgate station to the venue). I was just pushing myself to collect food, to collect bag, etc. Still I went to this point to see my name and to take pic with the name. What a thought by the organisers! Here was once again a point to feel proud to be one amongst so many running on that day.   

In such a beautiful event there were moments to feel ashamed. The shame was all the more severe as the pains to plan n implement the event were taken by our super-disciplined Indian Navy. Thre were special instructions mentioned in the booklet about not to litter the route and the places (sad that we r required to be “told” about it). Still people were throwing those water bottles and energizer tetra packs, its straws and the plastic covering the straw on the roads. Thre were litter-collection huge containers placed immediately after the water/ drink distribution points with the volunteers to help the runners to throw the litter. Similarly, even at the venue there were huge food-boxes collections spots with the volunteers, but still people were found leaving the boxes and peels of the fruits anywhere on the ground. If this is the way we r ‘valuing’ the efforts taken by Indian Navy for the run, do we civilians really deserve the efforts?

I returned back with a mixed feeling of pride and gratitude towards Indian Navy, contentment of completion of the run going against all odds on the day and the shame because of people littering around.

Cannot wait to participate in the next edition of this Run. I don’t know for how many more years I shall be able to run (= walk) with this stamina, but wish to participate till I can do it. Such a participation is in a way saying ‘thank u’   to my dear brother, Abhijit Tannu, who keeps no stone unturned to make us vigilant towards our health.

#10KDestroyerRun #IndianOilWNCNavyHalfMarathon2023 #WNC #Navy #COME #Habuild #SaurabhBothra #SNDTWU #DSW 










Saturday, May 13, 2023

शुभेच्छांचे पांघरूण (title credit: Vivek Dharankar)

फार दिवसांनी मी बनवलेल्या गोधडीबद्दल लिहितेय. हे खरं तर एक overdue लिखाण आहे. गोधड्या बनवण्याबरोबरच त्याबद्दल लिखाण करणे ही माझी मानसिक गरज आहे हे माझ्या लक्षात आलंय. पण दोन्हीही तितक्याच वेळखाऊ गोष्टी आहेत. त्यामुळे एक काम करायला गेले की दुसरं मागे पडतं. असो. आज ज्या गोधडीची कथा आहे त्या गोधडीच्या संकल्पनेचा जन्म आहे ऑक्टोबर २०२१ मधला


आपण खूप उत्साहात कार्यक्रम आयोजित करतो, बोलावलेले पाहुणेपण आवडीने येतात, शुभेच्छा, आशीर्वाद देतात. कार्यक्रम संपला की नंतर आपण त्या आठवणींत रमतो, फोटो काढून बघतो. आवर्जून आपल्या कार्यक्रमाला येणाऱ्या व्यक्तींच्या शुभेच्छाही आपण आपल्या मनात साठवून ठेवतो. पण याच भावना जर पाहुण्यांना लिहून / चित्र काढून  व्यक्त करता आल्या आणि आपल्यालाही त्या 'बघता' आल्या, त्यांना "स्पर्श करता" आला, “पांघरूनघेता आल्या तर! याच संकल्पनेतून एक विचार पुढे आला.

निमित्त होतं माझ्या मावसबहीणीच्या डोहाळेजेवणाचं. मावशीकडे ही कल्पना मांडली. अंतिम product कसं दिसेल याचं (स्वनिर्मित) उदाहरण नसतानाही तिने आणि मावसबहीणीने माझ्या मनाप्रमाणे आणि कल्पनेप्रमाणे करण्याची तात्काळ मुभा दिली. मग सुरु झाली तयारी. पाहुण्यांची साधारण संख्या विचारात घेतली. पहिलीच वेळ असल्याने माझ्याकडून आणि लिहिणाऱयांकडूनही जास्तच चुका होणार याची तयारी ठेवली. तयार होणाऱ्या गोधडीचा आकार दुपट्याइतका बनवता मोठ्या माणसाला वापरता येईल इतक्या आकाराची बनवावी यावर मावसबहीणीचं आणि माझं एकमत झालं. या सगळ्या गोष्टी विचारात घेऊन गोधडीला लागणाऱ्या कापडाचे नियोजन करण्यात आले. फिकट रंगांतील मऊ कापडं आणणे, त्यावर fabric pens ने लिहून ते धुवून बघणे, . यात सगळ्यात मेहनतीचे काम होतं ते म्हणजे कापडाचे तुकडे लिखाणासाठी तयार करून घेणे. गोधडी शिवायची तर मऊ कापड पाहिजे आणि मऊ कापडावर लिखाण हे कागदावर लिहिण्याइतकं सोपं नाही. आणि ज्या व्यक्तींना अशा प्रकारे लिहायची सवय नाही त्यांच्यासाठी तर नाहीच नाही. त्यात परत कार्यक्रमासारख्या गडबडीच्या ठिकाणी लिहायचं ... त्यामुळे तर आणखीनच आव्हाने असतात. यासाठी ते कापडाचे तुकडे हाताळण्यासाठी कागदासारखे (तात्पुरते) कडक करून घ्यावे लागतात. यासाठी quiltersच्या मदतीला धावून येतं ते म्हणजे fusible interface. हे कापडाच्या एका बाजूला चिकटवले की त्या कापडाचा द्वाडपणा जाऊन ते गुणी बाळासारखं सहकार्य करतं.

नंतरचा टप्पा होता कापडाचे तुकडे तयार करून घेणं. कोणत्याही शिवणकामासाठी जे दृष्य स्वरूपात दिसतं त्यापेक्षा जास्त कापडाची आवश्यकता असते. तसंच हे तुकडे शिवून गोधडी शिवायची असेल तर तुकड्यांच्या कडेने थोडी जागा सोडली जायला हवी. प्रत्येक व्यक्तीला शिवणातलं हे ज्ञान असणं अपेक्षित नाही. त्यामुळे ती जागा marking करूनच द्यायला हवी. तसेच हे तुकडे शिवणापूर्वी कार्यक्रमात, नंतर तुकड्यांचे गोधडीतील placement ठरवताना हाताळले जाणार म्हणून या हाताळणीतून निघणारे धागे वगैरे कापून परत व्यवस्थित चौरस कारण्यासाठीपण मुख्य लिखाणाच्या बाजूने 'समास' सोडायला हवा. या सगळ्या बाबी लक्षात घेऊन लिहिणाऱ्या व्यक्तींना लिखाण आणि/ किंवा चित्र काढणे .५”च्या चौरस तुकड्याच्या मध्यभागी " च्या चौरसाची सीमारेषा आखून देण्यात आली.

तो काळ अजूनही COVIDचाच होता. त्यामुळे सामूहिक कार्यक्रमांतल्या पाहुण्यांच्या संख्येवर बंधने होती. कमी असले तरी इतक्या पाहुण्यांचं घरात करणं जागेच्या दृष्टीने ससुटसुटीत व्हावं म्हणून मावशीने या कार्यक्रमासाठी hall घेतला होता. तिथे या कापडी तुकड्यांवर शुभेच्छा capture करायला एक काउंटर लावला गेला. तिथे कापडाच्या तुकड्यांचे विविध रंगांमधले पर्याय, fabric pens, कापडाखाली धरायला writing pads, रिकामे व लिहिलेले तुकडे ठेवायला बॉक्सेस असा सगळा जामानिमा होता. कोणत्याही प्रकारच्या काउंटरला उभे राहणे ही माझ्यासाठी कायमच आवडीची बाब राहिलीय. माझ्याबरोबर मदतीला माझी लेक आणि माझी भाचरं उत्साहात होती. या प्रयोगासाठी मी excited होते, पण येणाऱयांचा प्रतिसाद कसा असेल याची धाकधूकपण होती. केवळ काउंटर लावून पुरणार नव्हतं तर 'लिहून शुभेच्छा व्यक्त करा. त्याची नंतर गोधडी बनणार आहे.' असे आवाहनही अधून-मधून केले जात होते. बरं हे सर्व सांगताना ऐकणाऱ्यासाठीही ते नवीन आणि आमच्याकडेही दाखवायला उदाहरण नाही. धुळ्यासारख्या ठिकाणी होणाऱ्या कार्यक्रमातल्या पाहुण्यांना "गोधडी" हा शब्द नक्कीच नवीन नव्हता, पण एक तर शुभेच्छा "लिहून"(सुद्धा) व्यक्त करायच्या, (खूप जणांना तोंडी व्यक्त होणं सोपं जातं, पण लिहून व्यक्त होणं हा प्रत्येकाच्या comfort चा भाग असतोच असं नाही. एरव्ही greeting cards वर किंवा gift tag वर लिहिणं वेगळं आणि हे असं लिखाण जे सर्वांसमोर लिहायचं आहे, जे कायमस्वरूपी सांभाळून ठेवलं जाणार आहे, ज्या व्यक्तीला शुभेच्छा दिल्या आहेत तिच्याव्यतिरिक्त इतरही अनेकजण ते वाचणार आहेत या सर्वच बाबी अनेकांना conscious करणाऱ्या असू शकतात), त्याही कापडावर, त्याची गोधडी बनणार आणि आमच्या नुसत्याच शाब्दिक वर्णनाच्या आधारे त्यांनी कल्पना करायची! एकंदरीत आशय, पद्धती आणि कल्पना या सगळ्याच पातळ्यांवर हे त्यांना काहीसं कठीण जात होतं. 'हे कसं?', 'मी पहिल्यांदाच ऐकतोय / ऐकतेय', 'ही छान वेगळी कल्पना आहे' अशा शाब्दिक आणि अशाब्दिक दोन्ही प्रकारच्या प्रतिक्रिया येत होत्या. येणारे पाहुणे आपल्या आवडीच्या रंगाच्या कापडावर आणि आवडत्या रंगाच्या शाईच्या पेनने लिहीत होते. काही वेळा लिहिताना चुका व्हायच्या. मग (कापडावर) चुकलेल्या भागावर काट / फुली मारतो तशी मारायचे. मग त्यांच्या लक्षात यायचं की गोधडीत जाणाऱ्या कापडाच्या तुकड्यासाठी असं नाही चालणार.  कापडाच्या मागून चिकटवलेले fusible लक्षात न येऊन काही जणांनी त्यावरच लिहिलं. काही वेळा आखून दिलेल्या सीमारेषेचं भान न रहाता पूर्ण टोकापर्यंत लिहायचे. म्हणून परत नवीन तुकड्यावर नीट लिखाण चालायचं. लिहिताना वाया जाणारे तुकडे ठेवायला तिसरा box लगेचच जन्माला घालण्यात आला.  



या कॉउंटरवरून शुभेच्छा जमा करताना आलेल्या काही अनुभवांबद्दल सांगायला मला आवडेल.

एक तर हा डोहाळेजेवणाचा कार्यक्रम असल्याने महिलावर्ग जास्त प्रमाणात होता. काही नातेवाईक, मित्रमंडळी, सहकारी पुरुष होते, पण कमी प्रमाणात. 'हा (typical) महिलांचा कार्यक्रम' अशी भावना येणाऱयांच्या मनात होती आणि पुरुषांच्या मनात जरा जास्त असल्याचा मला अनुभव आला. कुतूहलाने ते काउंटरपाशी यायचे, बघायचे, पण लिहिताना थोडी हिचकिचाहट असायची. (जसं ओटी भरायची असेल तर त्यांच्या कुटुंबाच्या वतीने घरातील एक महिला भरेल, तसं) 'आमच्या घराच्या वतीने ही लिहील' असं त्यांच्या घरातल्या सोबत आलेल्या मुख्य महिलेकडे निर्देश करून सांगायचे. 'लिखित शुभेच्छा प्रत्येक व्यक्तीपासून अपेक्षित आहेत / प्रत्येकाला ही संधी आहे' हे आम्हाला आवर्जून सांगावं लागायचं. काही पुरुषांना लिहिताना बघून मग इतर लिहायचे. 'ही महिलांची कामं, ही पुरुषांची' हा विचार किती खोलवर रुतला आहे की शुभेच्छा देतानाही तो विचार आपल्याला सोडत नाही!

दुसरा एक अनुभव ---

लिहिण्यासाठी कापडाचे तुकडे गुलाबी, आकाशी, पिस्ता, पिवळा अशा विविध रंगांमध्ये होते. कोणत्या रंगाचा तुकडा घ्यायचा याची पूर्ण मुभा प्रत्येक व्यक्तीला होती. गरोदर बाईला शुभेच्छा देताना
'तुला मुलगा होऊ दे' अशा प्रकारच्या शुभेच्छा जास्त प्रमाणात दिल्या जाण्याचा अनुभव (माझाही) आहे. मुलगा असेल तर निळा रंग आणि मुलगी असेल तर गुलाबी रंग अशा प्रकारे कपडे, खेळणी वापरायची पाश्चिमात्त्य देशांमध्ये पद्धती आहे. Somehow 'तुला मुलगा होऊ दे' ही शुभेच्छा आणि रंगांच्या वापराचे हे norms इथे येणाऱ्या पाहुण्यांच्या मनात असल्याचा अनुभव आला. कापडाच्या तुकड्यांमध्ये आकाशी रंगाच्या तुकडयांना जास्त मागणी होती. 


असो. पण एकंदरीत फार मज्जा आली यामध्ये. आणखीन एक गोष्ट जाणवली ती म्हणजे मोठी माणसं शुभेच्छा देताना जरा conservative होती. म्हणजे चित्र काढून किंवा visuals च्या स्वरूपात शुभेच्छा देण्याचं प्रमाण लहान मुलांपेक्षा मोठ्या माणसांमध्ये फार कमी दिसलं. तसंच मोठ्या माणसांनी लिखाणाचा जर एक रंग निवडला तर त्यातच सगळं लिहिणार. शुभेच्छा देण्यात पाहुण्यांमधली सगळ्यात जास्त सृजनशील ही सर्वात लहान मुलगी होती. लिहून व्यक्त होण्याचं तिचं वयही नव्हतं त्यामुळेही असेल, पण कापडाचा तो तुकडा सर्वात जास्त visuals आणि रंगांचा मुक्तपणे वापर केलेला होता. (त्यामुळे हा तुकडा गोधड़ीच्या मध्यभागी आला.) 


अशा प्रकारे कापडावर व्यक्त केलेल्या शुभेच्छा घेऊन झाल्या. एकूण तीन भाषांमध्ये ५६ तुकडे जमा झाले. त्यानंतर त्या तुकड्याची गोधडी बनवण्याची प्रक्रिया सुरु साली. हाताळल्यामुळे काही तुकड्यांचे धागे निघाले (ते अपेक्षितच होतं) होतें. त्यामुळे सर्व तुकडे परत एकदा नीट कापून घेतले गेले. तुकड्यांची गोधडीतील जागा ठरवताना एका रंगाचे दोन तुकडे शेजारी येणार नाहीत याची काळजी घेतली गेली. तसंच एका भाषेतील आणि एका कुटुंबातील व्यक्तींनी लिहिलेला मजकुरही बाजूबाजूला येणार नाही याची काळजी घेतली गेली. एका तुकड्यावरचा मजकूर दुसऱ्या तुकड्यातील मजकुरात मिसळला जाऊ नये म्हणून प्रत्येक तुकड्याच्या बाजूने एक बारीक पट्टी शिवण्यात आली (quilting च्या भाषेत त्याला sashing म्हणतात). हे सर्व लहान बाळाच्यासंदर्भातलं असल्यामुळे pastel colours च्या तुकड्यांचा वापर करण्यात आला. सर्व तुकड्यांच्या बाजूने बॉर्डर बनवण्यात आली. अशा प्रकारे गोधडीचा सगळ्यात वरचा थर (=quilt top) तयार झाला. त्याचं जे दृश्य स्वरूप झालं त्यापेक्षा ते सगळं खूप जास्त सुंदर होऊ शकलंच असतं, पण मी याबाबतीत पैलटकरीण असल्यामुळे त्याचं रूप हे केवळ दस्तैवजीकरणासारखे झाले हे मला मान्यच करायला पाहिजे. मावशी आणि मावसबहिणीने ते गोड मानून घेतले हा वेगळा भाग.  


गोधडीच्या आतमध्ये सुती साड्या वगैरे घातल्या जाऊ शकतात, पण या गोधडीमध्ये batting साठी (= गोधडीचा मधला थर) flannelच्या दोन layersचा वापर केला. त्यामुळे गोधडी मऊ तर झालीच, पण तिला गुबगुबीतपणापण आला. गोधडीची आतील बाजूपण (= तिसरा थर किंवा backing) quilt -topच्या कापडाचाच वापर करून बनवली गेली. Quilt-top आणि backing दोन्हीमध्ये तुकड्यांची जोडणी होती आणि या जोडांमुळे गोधडीच्या मऊपणाला कुठेही बाधा येऊ नये म्हणून सर्व जोड मागील बाजूने fuse करण्यात आले.  



६०" * ९०" ची गोधडी बनली. गोधडीवर हाताने टाके टाकून शिवायला मला खूप आवडतं. या गोधडीच्याबाबतीत मात्र तसा अवधी हातात उरला नाही. (त्याचे कारण पुन्हा कधीतरी लिहिल्या जाणाऱ्या कथेत येईल का? बघू या.) त्यामुळे साध्या शिलाई मशीनवरच टाके टाकले (machine -quilting). ती सर्व बाजूंनी binding करून बंद केली गेली. गोधड़ी पांघरायची असते, पण तिला भिंतीवर "टांगायची" झाल्यास तेही करता यावे म्हणून तिच्या मागे 'quilt sleeve'ही शिवण्यात आले.

मघाशी उल्लेख केल्याप्रमाणे ही एक अगदी basic layout मधली गोधडी असली तरी ती प्रत्यक्षात उतरल्याचा अतिशय आनंद मला झाला. (नाहीतर अपूर्ण कामांची (UFOs - UnFinished Objects) आयुष्यात कमी नाही माझ्या). या गोधडीच्या निमित्ताने अनेक गोष्टी मी पहिल्यांदा केल्या. जसं,

. कार्यक्रमाला येणाऱ्या पाहुण्यांच्या शुभेच्छांचे गोधडीत संकलन

. इतक्या मोठ्या गोधडीला machine-quilting

. भिंतीवर टांगण्यासाठी 'quilt sleeve'ची सोय 

खूप शिकायला मिळालं. कार्यक्रमाच्या आयोजकांनी कोणतीही बंधने न घालता पूर्ण मोकळीक दिली तर काय केलं जाऊ शकतं याचं ही गोधडी म्हणजे एक उदाहरण ठरलं.